Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Members of the M3C4 team participated in the Concrete Microscopy Course 2011 (16-20 May), organized by Microlab, TU Delft. Lecturers from the Microlab, as well as guest lecturers from abroad (Mr. Per Hagelia of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and Dr. Karl Peterson of University of Toronto) made sure that participants learned as much as possible about microscopy and its use in concrete research and practice. We will surely use the knowledge extensively in our research!

Next course is already in planning, and all info can be found at: www.cmc.tudelft.nl.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

IS2C kick-off Woerden

On Thursday, 19th of May 2011, participants of the IS2C program have met in Woerden for the official kick-off of the program. All of the projects were represented by posters, so was of course the M3C4 project! An introduction by the program committee was followed by a workshop and discussions amongst the participants. Industry representatives were present and actively involved in the discussion. Cooperation between related projects is now envisioned and in the works!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Rob Polder gave his Professor speech

Prof. Rob B Polder did his Professor inaugural speech on May 13th 2011. He was joined by family, friends and colleagues in TU Delft's AULA. Pictures will come soon...
- J

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cracking of specimens

The M3C4 team has carried out the first set of trials for cracking concrete. The results are satisfactory and the overall outcome of the experiment is promising. The next step will include casting more cubes with different concrete compositions and start the curing.
Let the cracking begin!

- J